
I hate morning!

Do you like morning? and Why did I do this? Because I, like so many other people in this world, am not a morning person. Especially morning class.I'd rather spend my morning on my bed than in the class with super sleepy head. So as long as I'm a student, i will try to avoid morning class. because morning class is suck! trust me.
This artwork was made for Paperme (tshirt collection).For those who doesn't know , what the heck is paperme? www.google.com. I hope it will be printed soon!

~cheers & salam ramadhan!

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© melongray |


Bijen M. said...

takde pun papaer me setelah digugel.
domain paperme.org da expired la weh.
tak renew?

bijen baik

Melongray said...

bijan: anada gugel papaerme smpai ke kiamat pon xkan dpt jumpa paperme.
- tunggu , xnk renew lg.


Nice one, dude. Tiada cara lebih indah untuk menyatakan benci pada kelas pagi melainkan dengan ubat gigi! Haha.

Melongray said...

ko-roxx: Thanks Ko-roxx, aku lagi benci kalau kelas pagi tu hari jummat. ouch!

Nisha said...

kelas pagi x best.. esp yang pukul 8pg n setakat sejam. then gap berjam2...

kompem attend kelas dalam mimpi je la

bijen m. said...

typo lak.

Melongray said...

nisha : aku setuju sesangat!
bijen m. : try menda baru lak!

melonlover said...

aihh..berape byk dah design u yg i nak pakai nih.

Melongray said...

melonlover: u pakai je smua design i , nanti i bagi free diehardfanz membership pakej

xun said...

congrats for being featured by abduzeedo. :)

Melongray said...

xun: thanks

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