
Mat Rempit

Mat rempit? Hahhaha I guest most of us know what is mat rempit right? Rempit is derived from the Malay term "Mat Rempit". Mat Rempit is basically our local illegal motor racers who race their small cc motorbikes (Ex5, 125z, rxz ,)like stupid F**king Retard. When we see one we just wish they'd gone. " Not all ex5 users are rempit ok, because i own one lol".

While thinking of Mat rempit i came to idea of creating something related to this.Maybe something cool or funny. After few days working from simple sketch into photoshop. This is what i got for Mat rempit.HAhahah. Actually i was planning to use this for submission on threadless .So what do you think?

I used my k550i as scanner. poor me , i cant afford a scanner

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p/s : I love my EX5.
© melongray |


Uru said...

semart bai
pinjam ex5 :D

hafizmustakim said...

when we see one we just wish they'd die.
jahat sangat tu
accident sampai koma takleh bangun2 dah kaki patah 4 je

melonlover said...

awesome..helmet SGV!
kalo nak bleh buat watermark kat tgh2 pic supaya org x gune di tmpat lain and consider artwork sndiri..

ok babe

danaini said...

cool gila!

Beelzenef said...

quotes "Not all ex5 users are rempit ok, because i own one lol"
*chortle chortle

whyo said...

show off sial melon =P

Melongray said...

#Uru: datang penang .aku kasi ko naik ex5 aku puas2 pusing satu pulau. hahaha
#melonlover:tq babe lol,watermark? xpe kecik je resolution image ni.
#whyo: showoff? haha xpe pasni aku keepoff lak bley? *pelik lak bunyi.

Bijen M. said...

skrg mane pggil mat rempit da..
da tuka nama..
samseng jalan raya..

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